In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Such a lovely day here in the North East, sun shining, no wind and altogether very calm. Unlike yesterday, where it was really nice until the early evening and then for an hour or so, the heavens just opened and it lashed down with rain which in turn turned to hail stones.
But then at one point, today, whilst parked up waiting, as usual, for a passenger, I happened to look up through my glass roof and spy these drops of water just sitting there, and the big dark cloud in the distance.
Now being an eicastic sort of fellow, I supposed that they were escapees from the atmosphere, and were trying to find refuge on the land, away from the tumult and buffeting that goes on up high.
I kept my fingers crossed that the black reaper of a cloud would not get overhead and reclaim this spargefaction.
Soon though, my passenger alighted my people perambulator, and we set of to their destination, complete with my guest(s) atop, unknown to my paying customer.
On arriving at said destination, and having received the appropriate funds for the human transfer, I then had the opportunity to examine my vehicle's amorphous ceiling, to discover, to my joy, that the water escapees, had managed to leap off during the journey, and, hopefully, seek protection from the chasing storm.

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