Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Challenge accepted.

Most of us wonder how "Challenge" aka JKJ10 must approach her subjects and persuade them to let her take their photos. As an introvert of the first high water I can't possibly imagine doing it, unless of course the product of the Guinness family was involved.

Need I have worried? No! The camera did it all on it's own. The conversation went something like this; think Leslie Phillips meets Corinne Bailey Ray.

"Well hellooooo, ding dong!"
"Wotchew lookin' at?"
"Your wonderful legs for a start, here, let me explain."
"Go on then but I've only gotta minnit."
"I take images which get put on a website and I think you would look just stunning, being an Olympus with such long sleek legs and tremendous upper body contours."
"Gerroutofit, your 'avin' a larf."
"No seriously, here let me show you."
"Just keep your remote timer to yourself, but go on then, just for a giggle."
"THERE, that didn't hurt did it?"

"Nah, wot sign are you?
"Low Bridge, why?"

"Well much as I like you older smoothies I have to admit your SD card and my Oly XD slot aren't compatible."

"Ho hum, such is life."

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