hello again

By admirer


led me this day to the most delightful row of trees standing on a talud. Glorious in the scale of all possible autumn colours. Paradise is just around the corner.
One wonders how such events happen. I went on bike along the Weser to Herstelle to have a great view of the trees on the hills of the Hannoversche Klippen.
Beautiful colours in the distance, a whole pack ofjoyful canoe-ers came down with the stream, the last flowers in the gardens.
Over the high and very long bridge I went to return home. At the end of the bridge there is one path direction Lauenförde, one goes direction Karlshafen. And a third goes under the bridge to the closed nuclear powerstation information centre. No one ever goes there, I thought. And then and there I decided to go and see where it went. To my surprise this path was bordered at one side by an extraordinary collection of trees with leafs in all possible colours they can have.
Never ever seen such a display of brightness. So this is paradise, I instantly knew.
Just stay here till the leafs are fallen down. No go home, fetch Piet Hein, he must see this immediately, and Mischa when she comes next week, And everybody.
To imagine that this is a site where no one, except the lonely walker with dog, ever enjoys the splendour of it. Let's put a sign here, this is the way to heaven or something like that.
I love to go the unexpected path sometimes! Always a reward is waiting around the corner.
Not yet possible to show it in pictures, beyond my skill, I think.
So the blip is the horse I saw on my trip back.

My haiku:

Find the flow and go
With it is the wise saying
Blind I keep searching

And the proverb is a dutch one and as so often I had never heard of it:

Who spits against the wind, it fouls his beard.

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