Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

The Siren's Song

*Ring, ring*
*Click* "Hello?"
"Hey Mom...I'm not going to be home on time...There's been an accident. I'm fine, Tim's fine, the other driver is fine, but the car is totaled."
"God! Where are you?!?"
"On Route 4, the police just arrived. Everything is going to be fine."
"Where on Route 4?!?!"
"Just past the intersection of Route 183."
"I'm on my way." *Click*

Tim and I got into an accident tonight clearly. At about 9:30pm, Tim's car came to an abrupt stop as it collided with another. When the collision happened, we were going about 30MPH. All I have to say is, Thank goodness for seat belts.

Shaking is all I could do after it happened. Shake and remember. The scene kept replaying in my mind. Over and over and over again.

She had her left turn signal on. She was turning left. But she turned right. She flipped her blinker and changed her mind. She didn't see us.

The car should have hit on my side. He should have tried to go around on the outside. He didn't. He took the full blow. He could have died.

The radiator blew. Smoke started gushing out of the hood. Was it going to explode?

*Muffled words from Tim*
"I said, 'Are you okay?'"
"What?...Yeah, I'm fine."

I couldn't think. I grabbed the caramel popcorn from the floor. When did I put the lid back on it?

I opened the door, went to follow Tim. Did that really just happen? Am I really okay? Do I feel any pain?

Ouch, my shoulder hurts like a bitch. Shaking so much I can't even stand. A crowd has formed across the street.

"Call your mother."
When did he get here?
"Call your mom, Ali...Are you sure your alright?"
He picks me up off the curb and hugs me. I choke back tears.
*Ring, ring*
*Click* " Hello?"
"Hey Mom..."

"And collision is such an ugly sound."

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