Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

You are not the father!

Okay, so really funny story. I got to do a bit of improv today as part of my tasks for my internship.

NBC is in the middle of launching a new show called The Trisha Show. She was a huge hit in England and we brought her here to the states to hopefully take her career to the next level.

Tomorrow happens to be the first taping of the show and so I got to assist with the setting up of the shots so everything tomorrow goes swimmingly. So as part of my duties, I (along with 3 other interns) had to perform a skit for not only our Executive Producer, but for Trisha herself. It was the funniest thing I have been part of to date.

Best part, I got some one-on-one time with Trisha. She gave the other interns and me advice on how to break into the industry and she gave us her back story as well. It reinforced my faith in myself to be able to actually get something done with my life.

I can't even name for you the number of amazing chances I have gotten from this experience. Follow your dreams. As stupid as that may sound, and maybe it's a bit cliche, but if I decided to follow the easy road, I would be sitting in an office doing paperwork for the rest of my life. Instead I am challenging everything I was taught and everything I know and I am diving head first into the unknown.

"Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity."

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