....where the river boat swayed....

This is the first time I've been out of the houe since Tuesday evening.

A virus, possibly noro-virus, has swept through the entire family.

The Son and Heir came down with it on Sunday and was ill for 24 hours.

Baby Charlotte went down with it at about 4.00 p.m. on Monday and was ill for about 36 hours and still wasn't eating properly by Wednesday night so eneded up in Casualty.

Young Helen fell ill about 9.00p.m. Tuesday, followed by the Daughter at 2.00a.am. on Wednesday, both of them for about 30 hours.

I began throwing up on Wednesday at about 4.00 a.m. and was still at it 48 hours later.

And the Boss came home from work yesterday and began being ill at 6.00 p.m. and has just surfaced today at 8.00 p.m.

This morning I got up and showered and tried to get going, I went out and got some more Coke to leave to go flat.....very good for upset stomachs and Montezuma's Revenge....and then went to see the boys.

A couple of guys turned up to ask if they could test out a small model boat, which we graciously agreed to....the test lasted all of three minutes because the battery for the electric motor wasn't charged up!

I came home, administered to the Boss, and then overcome by exhaustion fell asleep in the armchair for 4 hours.

Tonight I've eaten a meal for the first time since Tuesday dinner and now I'm absolutely whacked again and soon heading for bed. I never realised....because up until this year I've hardly ever been ill....just how much your powers of recovery fade as you get older.

The Boss is now up and about and has decided that tomorrow all the surfaces in the house, banisters, bathroom, kitchen etc are all being washed down with disinfectant....because we definitely don't want this back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Normal service will be resumed over the weekend.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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