
By Fisherking

Well I spied a berry bush...........

The lovely red colour on this bush isn't from autumn leaves, this is a Hawthorn bush at the side of one of our fishing lakes, and the red is the berries!

If it's true what they say about berries indicating the severity of the coming winter we're in for a doozy!

Today has been all over the place weather wise, it was misty when I got up, came out sunny when I went to see the boys (and took this shot), clouded over and rained around lunch time and then turned grey and murky for the rest of the day.

My mate hebs has done a brilliant blip today (check it out.... a plumber's wife) based on misheard song lyrics. I phoned her and gave her a few of my favourites, but I think she weeded out the obscene ones because they're not on her blip!

My favourites (clean versions) are
1. Madonna "Like a virgin, touched for the 31st time"
2. Nirvana "Here we are now in containers"
3. Pink Floyd " The ducks are hazards in the classroom"
4. Beatles "Jo Jo was a man before he was a woman"
5. Celine Dion "The hot dogs go on"

I could go on all night but I'd better not.

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