Capital adventures

By marchmont

Roofs 2

It was a beautiful sunny morning, crisper than yesterday and definitely autumnal. I did take some photos of the autumn colours on the trees on Bruntsfield Links, but I prefer this. It's a second view of the downward sweep of Warrender Park Road, looking east to Arthur's Seat. The same roofs and crow stepped gables as yesterday but the opposite direction. Just out of shot is the old Institute of Public Health, now EU student accommodation. I was grieved to see that all the plants in the front, including the beautiful hydrangeas, have been grubbed out and the ground cleared. I wish I'd known they were going to do it, I'd have asked for some plants for the back green, having thought of taking sneaky cuttings previously. Too late and such a shame. I wonder what will replace them?

After a swim and sauna, off to a late breakfast (the kitchen being out of bounds due to the decorators) with chamberlainjohn. We talked new plans, family history and surnames and students.

On the way back from Falko's I bought a red dress at C'est Si Bon. Impulse buy and only because I had to go to the bank with the £14.05 I'd made from selling the chest of drawers. (Same side of the road, you see.) The conversation with the owner went something like this, after a discussion about what was Peckham's before it was Peckham's and is it going to be a Sainsbury's. (We couldn't remember and we don't know)

Her - 'I've been away from Edinburgh for a while. I used to live in Colinton before I moved to London'
Me - 'I used to live in Colinton, in Redford, where were you?'
'You must have been next door to the G's'
'Yes, I was K's bridesmaid a couple of years ago'.
'My friend C's husband was the rector who married them'
'I think I recognise your surname. I was S P. Weren't you my Brown Owl?'
Me - 'Yes, I was'

Gosh, you can't get away from you're past - even if it was 40 years ago. She says I haven't changed. Oh, I hope I have.

Then after buying 20 litres of Antique White and 5 of Daffodil Yellow over the road from home it was off to the blue and yellow place in the City Car. Even with a 2 and half hour booking I was still pushed to do the Straiton trio - IKEA, Sainsbury's and Homebase. Just managed it.

Back for a quick change (into a dress, but not the red one, though I did wear the red specs) and off to the Filmhouse to meet just Allan. We celebrated both our sets of good news (well done, Allan Kelly MSc), ate lovely food, talked family history and then went to see 'the Ides of March', which was excellent (and you can take the bottle of wine in too.) Afterwards, the bar was too crowded and Allan's train wasn't till 11 so we headed off to Cloisters, which we left in high dudgeon after a bad pint of Kelso beer and no concept of customer service from the staff. This meant the final stop was Bennets's Bar. I couldn't begin to count how many times I've walked past it and I was really glad to see the inside at last. A lovely traditional pub, been there since 1875, although they could ditch the large screen. I got a bit over-excited as we were getting ready to leave when James Corden walked right past me! He's in 'One Man, Two Guv'nors' (based on 'The Servant of Two Masters') at the King's next door. I'm going there tomorrow night. Must remember and Janis Ian on Sunday.

Allan went back to Dunbar (safe and sound Dotty and I bounced home across the Links to a plate of spaghetti. Too late, too tired to blip so a back blip.

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