Capital adventures

By marchmont

Roofs 3 - sunrise

After yesterday's morning back blip it's an earlier blip today. Living on the top floor of a north/south facing tenement I really miss seeing sunrises and sunsets. We had these wonderful sunsets at La G - due west in March and September. But when I got up for my cup of tea at 8 the sky was this wonderful colour over the rooftops of Arden Street. I managed to avoid the scaffolding but you can just about see the muddy marks on the window from the roofworks.

The plan was to get up and do all the things I have to do. However, I got sidetracked networking by e-mail with a fellow choir member and then catching up on all my followed blips. Now it's nearly 11.30 and I'm STILL not up.

But I have so much to do - things to empty, boxes to fill, things to find and put away, a knotty wardrobe problem to solve, 2 huge bags of daffodils to plant, a garden to tidy etc etc. And then off to the King's at night.

Must get up and get going. At least I get an extra hour in bed tonight!

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