All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Shoe shopping is SO tiring!

I've been saying for a few weeks now that I think it's time I got Ethan's feet measured again. Last time I said that, it turned out he had jumped up 2 sizes! Fortunately today he had only gone up 1/2 a size, to a 6.5 - however we couldn't find any shoes we liked in Clarks. I've said it before and I've said it again, their selection is SO boring! They did say they might have different styles on their website so going to have a look on there instead.

It was 5pm by the time we left the shops and I just hadn't got any energy to go home and cook dinner. So despite having vowed a few weeks ago not to eat out again with Ethan for a long time (due to his antics at the table whenever we try), as he has been much better this week at sitting in a highchair, we thought we'd give it a go. And he was fab! We went to ASK and got a window table, with Ethan facing the bus station opposite. I think it helped that whenever he started to get a bit tetchy / bored we'd just point out the buses and the people walking by and that kept him entertained. We even managed a 3 course meal with him for the first time ever! He also tried his first ever babyccino. I thought it would be mainly milk with a bit of froth but it was all frothy milk and although he gave it a try, he wasn't very impressed. Overall a very successful dinner though!

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