All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ssshhh ... Ethan sleeping!

What a day. Poor Ethan had to learn how to play by himself today as I was on a mission. Yes, come 9am I was plonked in front of the computer trying to secure Take That tickets. I tried ... and I tried ... and I tried. I knew it would be busy but the amount of times websites were crashing was ridiculous, especially when I actually got allocated seat numbers, put in credit card details and THEN the sites would crash! I tried for over 4 hours before I had to go out as I'd arranged to meet Missus B and Lucinda at soft play (and I was late - unforgivable)! I tried for another few hours when I came home ... still no joy. My sister then phoned me .. she tried for an hour after getting in from work and managed to get some for us - yay!

After all that playing, Ethan is now crashed out, sound asleep in his cot. Even me sneaking in and taking some photos of him hasn't disturbed him!

(Sleeping update - Last night Ethan slept from 7.30pm till 5.50am)!

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