Non Day

No1 son and daughter-in-law to be slept late
SWMBO slept late

No1 son and daughter-in-law to be scuttled off out
SWMBO feeling unwell went back to bed.

A perfect oppertunity for me to be productive.
I slobbed about and watched the qualifying for tomorrows Grand Prix and caught up on emails and pictures etc.
Went to see about an eyetest but by the time I fought my way through the hordes of feral yoofs and pond scum in the centre I was in no mood to sit and wait - especially after having got the idiot from hell on his first (unwanted) Saturday job to speak to.
So I have an appointment on Friday.
I just in a way hope my eyes have gone downhill and that is what is causing the headaches I have had for a few days otherwise it is going to cost me £34 because - according to the idiot yoof who could hardly see through his scruffy hair - I am not due an eye test for another year.

Having to fight my way back to the car (and it nearly came to that I can assure you) through the crap that is the so called 'shoppers' in Livingston on a Saturday afternoon I couldn't be arsed to take any pictures.

This evening all the 'cousins' were getting together for a meal and a few drinks (God help the premises they all went to).
That was 15 noisy 'kids' (mid 20s to mid 30s) from as far afield as Inverness and Rotherham.

So guess who was babysitting again..............
Somebody was overtired and has a bit of a meltdown as we got him undressed but was fine when he got in his bath.
Not happy again getting into his nightclothes but came down and sat with me to have some milk and a bed time story and then went down without making so much as a peep.

He is a good lad for his Grandparents.

Just as well the cat sat quietly to have her picture taken or there would have been no blip today.

Now I need to go and put the clocks back and change the times in the cameras so I don't fall foul of the Blipcentral watch polis ............ again

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