Wrong Turning

With the hour change last night, it felt early to be leaving Shipley and our Shipley family, but it allowed us at least the luxury of returning from somewhere along the
road to Bingley to retrieve the forgotten spectacles. No names.

We enjoyed our short stay with daughter# 5, husband and the two wee boys.
It was good to be able to babysit and let the parents enjoy a rare night out.
But guests, even parents, are best in short bursts; so we left them before they got tired of us.

Driving with his Lordship is not in the least boring; he drives, I navigate, but should I for a moment lose a nanosecond of concentration, then we are likely to take the wrong exit from a roundabout however much instruction I have given in the lead up.

Today it was one exit short of the correct one on to the M6 from the A 65. which meant we found our selves on the A6 on the road to Shap: wrong road meant loud voices and a few choice words.

However, this turned out to be a welcome mistake, as the road was quiet and being so high, we were afforded the most wonderful views over the deep valleys of the eastern Lake District. All was forgiven.

Now home again, it seems a very long time since Friday: amazing how a change of scene messes with the time scale in your head.

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