The Leeds Liverpool Canal

This is the canal at Saltaire, a leafy oasis, with the path in the blip running all the way to Liverpool in one direction, and Leeds in the other.

It is on the route march from Shipley to to the play park in Saltaire where all 3 year olds want to come on a Saturday morning to swing and bounce and run, along with the rest of the children.
There is also a small skate section where children hardly out of nappies hurl themselves up and down inclines on their tiny scooters in death defying manoeuvres.

The afternoon saw us visit Skipton where we wandered round the market stalls and walked along the same canal. I marvelled at the business of the town. Edinburgh's Princes Street seems quite quiet in comparison.

No visit to this part of the world is complete with our climbing all the stairs up to the cafe section of Salt's Mill where his Lordship had the dearest ravioli on earth, not that he grudged it: certainly not- but it was remarked on, a lot.

We are baby sitting tonight to let the young ones out for a meal. Fingers crossed no-one wakens up- its 'Strictly" and I do want to see the programme like the proper old fogey that I am.

His Lordship was not impressed this morning when he went for the papers and the assistant was loathe to take his Scottish paper money.

She held the note up to the light and scrutinised it for the word 'Sterling' which she announced had to be there otherwise it was counterfeit.

She obviously hand't heard that the Scottish pound is now completely legal tender, not just acceptable as in the past.

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