my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Everyday is Like Sunday....

I sort of wish....

Today started well, sat in the Reference Library before bed on Twitter, winding down after the sleepover.

I read the bedtime stories to the cubs in my (Lily inspired) Onesy. I thought I looked quite cute as a story reading cat AND was very amused when my boss told me "You look like that bloody THING from Donnie Darko"

Up at 6.30am to make breakfast for the cubs and got home from work at 9.30am. Did a bit of shopping and got the girls loads of Halloween bits to decorate their room. They have plenty of spiders and lanterns in their room now and spent a happy few hours tonight playing 'Witches Cafe'

It's no secret that I love wandering round the library at did all the things I don't get to do usually. The Reference Library and the Children's library are neighbours but never the twain shall meet.

SO it was nice to sit at Ref and pretend to be a PROPER librarian who knows stuff and then I went and fiddled with the OS maps a bit.

Dressed as a 5'7 cat.

..or menacing rabbit. Depending on your perspective.

Came home and felt a bit lonely - combination of lack of sleep and being alone after being surrounded by people for the last 24 hours.

Was resolved (somewhat) by a lovely message I got this afternoon

Tomorrow's just another day people

Let's do it

K xxx

Donnie: Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

Donnie Darko

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