my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


The girls and I were off today. They were Halloween crazy all day and I was totally wiped out after the weekend so not the best combination but they were very good.

I'm so tired. Going to take a day off this week for just POTTERING about.

The girls got all my antique bottles out and made a Witches Cafe. I was the only guest and enjoyed Spooky soup, Dracula blood (which Jeanne swore was vegetarian) and Ice Scream.


Took them to the Skate Park which went down well...right before I was labelled a rubbish mum because we don't *do* trick or treating. Peaks and troughs.

We went to the mill and I picked up an old wardrobe, the man said that they couldn't deliver till Thursday afternoon. I was bit crestfallen and it must have shown because they just had an impromptu 'meeting' and simply picked up the wardrobe and carried it round to the house for me. Splendid service! Just totally lovely people. So my dresses have a home now.

I have fallen in love with a huge Mirror in there but it's expensive and I don't really need it. if it's still there on payday..then it's fated to be mine. If not it's not.

Just Lily's room to sort now. Next on the list.

I 'spoke' online and off to four people today who were blue / worried / feeling crap for one reason or another.

Halloween bringing forth the demons I think.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
John Lennon

Totally obsessed with this song at the moment. Listening to it as I type

"You'll always be my little shining star,
No matter what or where you are.
You'll always be my little shining star
You keep calling me back to you
You keep calling me back
What are friends for

Abra Moore ~ Shining Star

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