
By Yeda

Spooky Decoration

Alyssa worked hard on this with a self imposed deadline so that her cousin in Wisconsin would get to see it via Skype. Despite her "technical difficulties" as she described it, we all think it turned out rather well.

Gorgeous day today. We had a wonderful hike in the woods, just inhaling the fresh air and taking in the vibrant Autumnal colors, letting our dog Hannah immerse herself in all the snowy slushy mud puddles while chasing a ball. Got home and made a ton of pesto from the last of the garden's bounty (collected before the snow hit).

AND I am still coping with poison ivy! The doc doesn't want to give me another shot, so I am stuck with a medicated topical, but it doesn't seem to help with the constant spread. I just might go insane soon. Perfect for Halloween, actually :-)

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