
By Yeda

William And Alyssa

Last Monday, I was telling a friend just how obsessed Alyssa was with rabbits. How her relentless lobbying, promises, conversation was becoming a bit overwhelming. All her homework answers were infiltrated with the word rabbit or bunny. She actually caught a wild rabbit with her bare hands!

Then serendipity played it's ace card. My friend just found out that both her children were allergic to their pet rabbit, aka William, and she just happened to be searching for his new home. Say no more, my friend!

Alyssa is now in bunny heaven. William, half Belgian Giant, is so sweet, very comfortable with exciteable children and dogs alike, roams around our living room freely, and knows how to use a litter box! She is currently training him to do a few tricks so "he will be ready for America's Got Talent". Ambitious mom.

Hannah, our border collie, is acting like Banicula has moved in. She follows William around, sniffing ever so impolitely, and sits at William's cage for long periods of observation. William is oblivious, but sometimes sniffs back.

It has been so entertaining.

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