
By Juli

HA! Bet you were expecting another pumpkin!

Well, we certainly had fun this evening - it seemed like half the village was out and about, all dressed up and most covered in those glow-in-the-dark things.

Rules for Trick or Treating:

1. Go out in a big group, making sure at least one person knows where all the kids' teachers live.

2. Only call at houses with Halloween decorations (apart from the teachers, who are fair game with or without decorations).

3. Only knock once and move on if there's no answer.

4. Always say 'Thank you' when given sweets.

5. If householder has no sweets, offer them some instead.

6. Under no circumstances actually play a 'trick' on anyone, no matter how tempting it may be.

7. Be prepared for all children in your group (and some of the adults) to completely disregard all of rules 2 to 6.

We bumped into this lady, who was dressed as a poppy-seller. Well, she was actually selling poppies, door-to-door. She said she always does that on Halloween because she gets sweets. Good thinking, I thought! She even told us where to find the best. :-DDD

Once we'd exhausted all possibilities for 'treats', it was swiftly home to put the kids to bed and feed the husband before dashing back out for my meeting at the Vicarage, where we gorged ourselves on Jelly Babies.

You've got to love a vicar who has a bowl of sweets ready for trick or treaters, even if none actually came by and we had to eat them instead.

PS. I did have an appointment for a check-up today - DOH! All's well, just routine stuff. :-)

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