What? Is That It?!

So. Last Tuesday and Wednesday's blips featured these numbers which had mysteriously popped up around the Uni.

I mentioned on the Tuesday blip that we thought they had something to do with carbons, then on Wednesday, it looked like there might be a more exciting explanation. But no. The mystery has now been solved and 40647 is.....(wait for it)......the number of students and staff at the Uni.

And it is all about how many carbons we release into the wild. The irony of using very large polystyrene blocks (on Tuesday's blip) to promote a scheme to make us more warm and fluffy to the environment hasn't gone unnoticed...

Sorry it wasn't more interesting. But look - I've saved the biggest numbers for last and those who know that I'm not good with heights will know that I now need a stiff cuppa tea after being brave and taking this.

Much better (well, a bit more interesting perhaps) in big.

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