Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Today has been a bitty day. Took Carys to school and then handed William over to T at the school gate as I am spending an hour every Tuesday playing board games with the reception kids. I could hear Will howling as I went into school, I've been told he abruptly stopped half way to T's and has been fine ever since. Im coming round to the thought that it may just be a temper tantrum, linked to separation anxiety. I can't think of anything else as prior to September he was more than happy to be left at T's, maybe not elsewhere, but definately with her.

I played 'word bingo' for an hour with a variety of children. Not Carys today but her turn will come. Made me realise the extremes of ability her teacher is catering for.

Then I came home to continue sorting the spare room, hampered by the fact that a large amount of the stuff is my husbands so I can't just throw it out, or if he is reading this, not just yet, give me until next week then I will. I also can't decant anymore into the study and on to the new shelves until they have been secured to the wall. That is tomorrows job.

I gave up in the end, the day was just too lovely to be indoors so I headed out for a run. I took my camera but forgot to start my watch so have no idea how unfit I actually am, but I enjoyed it. Whether I will enjoy tomorrows planned run with this one in my legs remains to be seen.

For some reason the heritage people have decided to make a path of compacted gravel over the fields where I run. I can't understand why. It stands out like a sore thumb, it isn't well compacted, making it slippery under foot as the stones roll about and I for one didn't mind a bit of mud. Can't imagine in this economic climate where they have found the money for it and surely it could have been used to better effect elsewhere?

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