Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Dia de los Muertos

For many years I lived near enough to Mexico (in Texas and Arizona) that I am privileged to have friends who participate in Dia de los Muertos, joyous celebrations of the lives and spirits of those who have died. These customs pre-date Christianity in Mexico and include decorating graves with flowers and festoons, graveyard parties, feasting, home altars, and remembrances of loved ones whose spirits are thought to return once a year to enjoy the company of those who have loved them and still hold their memories dear.

Sometimes Roman Catholic communities have similar celebrations on the 1st and 2nd of November, so I went to my nearby Roman Catholic cemetery on this foggy morning to see if there was any merry-making about to happen. The only fresh decorations I saw are the golden leaves and shiny brown nuts the chestnut trees have strewn over the grounds.

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