
By Daizy

Starting the weekend off right!

About 5 years ago, my immediate boss had a bad accident and took over the running of the department. It was particularly fraught because there was already one other on long-term sick and within a monthe or so the only remaining person also went off sick! A maths department of me and 3 supply teachers, two of whom were scientists! Anyway, I decided at the time that I needed a "carrot" to get me through the week without either resigning or having a major row with someone (not the supply teachers who were great!), so every Friday after school finished, I would head to this taverna and start the weekend with a couple of Brandy Sours and a few pages of an easy-read novel.

Fast forward to today and I'm doing the same job again but with real maths teachers in the other rooms. Today I lost my cool for the first time so this is where I ended up. The Brandy Sours did the trick and I am now relaxed and ready to face the weekend (marking, report writing and page setting for the school mag!)...still at least I'm smiling again!!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

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