Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Down for the count...

this is the computer tech.. you're seeing his hand in the insides of my computer, pushing and pulling wires, and testing connections.. diagnosis? Fried motherboard. I seem to have a knack for this type of computer malfunction.
My irresponsibility of not having a proper surge protector and battery back up (ups battery backup) on it, is what ultimately did me in this time.

My parents house is older, the wiring while currentish..isn't the best, so 2 power surges in the last 4 months killed my pc. I thought my computer was on a surge strip.. apparently it's just a multi-outlet. sucks.

on the plus side. the power is back for good.. i've sold many pieces of jewelery, and we're moving in just under 2 weeks.

the weather is cold- very winterish, there's trees down everywhere because of the snowstorm we got. at least i'm staying warm with little effort right now :D


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