Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus


A day of mysteries - I found three new fungi on the common early this morning and, frustratingly, I can't identify any of them. This is the only one I'd have a stab at. When I first saw it I thought it must be coral spot fungus because of the beautiful coral pink colouration but the fruiting bodies are quite large and their hemispherical shape and uneven distribution is not characteristic. At the moment I'm plumping for Hypoxylon fragiforme. I've blipped these before (23rd October) but the previous one showed the fruiting body in its mature brick-red state while I suspect these are the immature form which is described as 'bright salmon-pink'. They also have the slightly pitted surface which is characteristic of the hypoxylon. Anyway, I'll try to keep an eye on them and see how they develop over the next few days.

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