Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

Día de los Muertos

Day of the Dead

The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where it attains the quality of a National Holiday. The celebration takes place on November 1-2, in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day (November 1) and All Souls' Day (November 2). Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed and visiting graves with these as gifts.

Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds of years and to an Aztec festival dedicated to a goddess called Mictecacihuatl.

Good old Wikipedia

I went to Mexico City a few years ago to visit a friend and fell in love with the place. I would really love to go back there someday, perhaps for Día de los Muertos. I brought this little thingmabob back from that trip.

I have back-blipped to Friday btw.

P.S. 69 blips dude!

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