Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

So, I'm phoning it in I guess. (Although, I have also been too lazy to even talk on the phone.)

Is it the weather? The heat, even though I am mostly inside under the air conditioning? Am I just plain lazy? (probably)

The body just wants to play possum and sleep all day...not that I do. What I am doing is going from task to task but without any real inner direction at this time.

So, why spin my wheels if I don't know where I am going? It makes me feel as if I am accomplishing something....which has to be some sort of crusty lifetimes of programming going on there, I think.

Ah, perhaps I just need to take a little one of these out for a bit? Maybe then I would not feel so all fired up to "make something of the day", but I doubt it. The trick is to relax in our own skin, which can be difficult at times, I find, especially when projects undone or not started yet buzz about the consciousness.

It occurred to me that the problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished.

Nelson Richard DeMille

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