Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

The Florida Salute For Thee

I was in such a good mood while driving home from Whole Foods today, and then I saw that "they" are back. The folks who just can't stand that our town has voted to be supportive of immigrants to our town, and who keep sending in outside agitators to stir things up.

Hardly anyone "honked" to save the "middle class", and I actually found myself giving them the Florida salute (also known as flipping them off) on my first drive by. I know I shouldn't...but we just had this whole thing over and done with in a local election pretty much, I'd thought. I'm a bit tired of the constant conflict.

There was not much of an area to get a photo, so I just stood across the street for a bit. The sun was glaring, and the perspective was not very helpful. Oh well.

This is such a misplaced logic as far as I am concerned. The jobs the protesters are seeking have been sent overseas, and the people coming here have to because the living conditions where they are from are too difficult (an understatement). They don't really particularly want to come and leave those they love behind, I'd think. So where is the compassion?

At any rate, the "crowd" was sparse, but it truly does irk me that some just can't let this issue rest for a bit, and see what the help center can accomplish. I think perhaps if we want to help our economy it could be better served by stopping the tax cuts for the uber wealthy and corporate welfare for companies that move the jobs out of the country and maybe having the pentagon at least keep a record that accounts for the trillions that come that way each year. But, hey...that's just me. That rude old gal flipping people off...sheesh.

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