
2 years 12days

The light was lovely this morning, and katie considerately went to the lightly frosted windows and looked out for her friend, our neighbours dog. Took this shot, didnt take anymore - well, I didnt see a need after this one!

She's done amazing with nursery today, they said she's had by far her happiest day. Which is ironic, because she's had by far her worst potty training day, I dont get it. Even at the height of fun activities with me, she has pretty much no accidents. They said she was quite confident outside today, and even ran to play at the climbing frame, which she wouldnt do. She's definitely picked Nicky as her favourite. Nicky was telling me today that at sleep time she's brilliant, she just lies on her bed, Nicky pats her back a little and she goes straight off. She was first to sleep today. I arrived and she was eating tea so I hovered about outside and 2 separate staff stopped to tell me how brilliant the difference is between this week and last. I hope it sticks this time!

I picked her up earlier than some days, so we actually got to drive home in daylight and go out for a walk in almost daylight. Our walk was very very exciting - we got the keys for our new house!!! We dont move in for 10days, but the landlord has said we can start moving boxes in as we like. Well, once I have some boxes to move that is!

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