
2years 13days

Well, the day didnt go quite to my plan! Which was drop Katie for a couple of hours at nursery where she'd have her first "school photo" taken, pick her up with H&A, go to a party, do nice things for the afternoon, etc etc. So I dropped her off, got the boys and played for a while, went to pick her up. No photos had been taken of her yet. Oops. So she ended up staying.

The staff said to me that she has had a serious breakthrough this week, that although I've missed her so so much it has been worth the collection of full days because they said she's been happiest today they've seen her. And there was big improvements on the potty-at-nursery front. She ate a brilliant lunch, a decent-ish tea, and apparently was full of smiles and chatter today.

The girl who went to take her for her photos (as I knew if I was there she'd refused to sit on her own, knowing it would mean she was going to be left at nursery), anyway, she said to me Katie refused to let go of Monkey for them, but I didnt want her without monkey anyway, so worked well for me. She said if I wanted, I could try get one of the two of us, and have a peek at what he'd taken on her own.

So in I went - first thing he said to me was "how long have you done photography for then"... the staff had warned him to make these ones good! Actually, he'd done a rather nice job from what he showed me. Katie wasnt keen on us having photos, so he just chatted to me a while about the change in the industry and stuff, the studio I had worked in (which he knew well) and things. By that time,Katie had come round and was a little more ameanable. He got a gorgeous one of her, me looking muppetlike, and me looking better, Katie scowling! And some inbetween. He did promise he'll work on them!

I took all the kids for tea out together (£5, four hot meals including drinks for everyone, ice lollies, chocolate and fruit for the children , bargain!) and they all sang to the Wiggles, extremely animatedly all the way home!

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