Plus ça change...

By SooB


How good I am to spare you endless shots of parquet flooring in various stages of readiness. It is mostly what my life seems to revolve around at the moment.

Today though was back to the regular Wednesday term-time routine of clubs. So there was some time at the house in between drop-offs and pick-ups sorting out the shower that I feel as though I've been building since the dawn of time. It is finally mostly finished, though I did lose one plastic washer along the way, which I'm sure will show up tomorrow and I'll feel I have to take the thing to bits again to fit it...

Much fun at Conor's football, well apart from the sitting around for two hours on a windy football pitch part of it, but at least it was sunny so warm enough to sit in a t-shirt. At the tournament where he broke his wrist last month, his team won a trophy and today it was unanimously decided that it was Conor's turn to take it home for a week. He is, obviously, overjoyed, and I'm definitely trying not to remind him too often that he only played four minutes of the first match of an all day tournament...

This shot was, probably obviously, taken while waiting for Katherine to finish her riding lesson. She was delighted to get back into it, despite an earlier meltdown over her holiday homework (it's too hard, there's too much and she should have started it earlier - and that was her, not me). All was smilier when she realised that her poetry is actually for next Tuesday, not tomorrow. And of course she will not leave it until the last minute (ha, ha, ha.)

Mr B should be arriving in Scotland tonight, to see the devastation in our house there from the leak last week. And tomorrow I will be sanding floors again. Still, at least it's sunny here. But I do have a cold (hence the hoarseness). And I just had to pay my internet bill on an automated 'speak your response' telephone line. In French. Very stressful. Time for a lie-down.

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