Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Singing Club

In October of last year I asked the local school if they would like me to run the choir there. I knew they did not have one as it is only a small school and none of the teachers were able.

I started the first wednesday after the October half term. I can remember being terrified. I walked away an hour later floating on air. I loved it!

Within about three weeks I had decided that if I could do it for a job I would be a happy woman. I have passed a course and gained some more experience and now I do. I am also hoping to do a masters in music next year. :)

I will be forever grateful to the school for their confidence in me and therefore I still do the singing clubs there on a voluntary basis.

Today was my first one back ...... And again the first Wednesday after the half term.

It was great. Lots of old faces in the club and some new. It all went really well. We are learning 'I need a dollar' by Aloe Blac. It went down really well and we even did some harmony in warm up and dynamics in the song.

Really pleased with how it went. I am going into another school next week to do a Christmas song. I also have a private pupil starting this week and my quartet tomorrow.

I have been a bit grumpy this week and feeling quite low. I think I am tired and there are a few things on my mind. Singing and music have been an antidote to that today.

Viva la musica.

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