Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


My friend came last night. Her father is Irish and she adores Ireland too. She came round to see my father in law (also Irish).

She also dropped off the backing track for a song I am teaching her pupils next week. I am not impressed with the backing track and she knew I would not be. Toooo many backing vocals on it.

Anyway she is lovely and I was not so lovely yesterday. I was at the tail end of three very bad nights sleep and a few unresolved issues.

She told me something that I disagreed with(and if she reads this I still stand by what I said). She then listened to me groan and grumble about things going on while we washed up after dinner.

However it must have helped cos I slept last night and got up this morning in a much happier mood.

I stepped into the porch this morning for the school run and this lovely bundle of goodies awaited us. Pie for father in law, flowers for me, chocolate for the children. All off my
friend dropped on her way to work. Normally I would phone and berate her and say we do not need presents for having her for dinner . Today however it warmed my heart. Despite me being a bit sore-headed she is still my friend. ;)

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