My Jack is a jolly lad

Love it, though carving ain't my bravura. It seems that many have forgotten the story behind Jack-O-Lantern, so I wrote here the version my grandgrandmother told me back in time.

"A cunning Irish blacksmith named Jack had the misfortune to run into the Devil in a pub, some say on Halloween night. Late at night Jack, who was a stingy drunkard, offered the Devil his soul in exchange for one last drink. The Devil turned himself into a sixpence to pay the bartender, but Jack quickly pocketed him in his purse. Because Jack had a silver cross in his purse, the Devil could not change himself back. Jack would not let the Devil go until he promised not to claim his soul for ten years.

The Devil agreed and ten years later Jack came across the Devil while walking on a country road. The Devil wanted to bring Jack with him down to Hell, but Jack said, "I'll come with you, but before we go, will you get me an apple from that tree?"

The Devil, thinking he had nothing to lose, climbed up the tree to get the apple. Jack pulled out his knife and carved a cross in the trunk of the tree. The Devil was stuck in the tree, unable to obtain Jack or his soul. Jack made him promise to never again ask for his soul. Seeing no way out, the Devil agreed.

Jack finally died years later, but he was not admitted to Heaven because he had been tightfisted and deceitful all his life. Jack was not let in to Hell either. The Devil had to turn him away because he had agreed never to take Jack's soul.

"But where can I go?" asked Jack.
"Back where you came from!" said the Devil.

The way back was dark and windy. Jack asked the Devil to at least give him a light to find his way. The Devil threw a live coal at Jack straight from the fire of Hell. Jack put it in a pumpkin he was eating to keep the light from blowing out in the wind.

Ever since, Jack was doomed to wander in eternal darkness with his lantern."

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