While on my runs

By waipushrink

One small fightback

This area has been well served by a stable pharmacy for over 30 years. The original Herne Bay Pharmacy was the amalgamation of two traditional pharmacies on the retirement of the older pharmacist. The younger, not by much, retired in the 1990s, and his assistant became the pharmacist, and has remained in this area ever since. She is well known and liked by the local General Practitioners, and more so (and highly valued) by the customers.

A couple of years ago she negotiated with her landlord (who just happened to own almost the whole block of shops within which the Herne Bay Pharmacy was situated) that at her own cost she would refurbish the interior. A couple of months ago, the landlord went to the limit of the law in not renegotiating the rental contract while not giving her notice. With the shortest legally permitted time left, having given no indication of what he actually wanted, he gave her notice to leave. Two weeks she had.

Apparently he then informed the pharmacist that he wanted her data base so that he could set up a new pharmacy. She refused. Public opprobrium mounted. Interviews on television occurred, and new premises were found, here, nearby. The Ministry of Health approved the move, and with only a week or so of having no premises (but being offered space to work from in nearby Ponsonby, free, by a colleague) the new Herne Bay Pharmacy opened.

Locals have written in chalk on the pavement directions from the old premises to this shop ending with the word "Here" as seen. The current chalk trail is newly done once again. People supported one of the own, a valued member of the community who was being treated unfairly, and capitalism was wounded.

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