Life Dancing

By lifedancing


...or is that, Rocks?
Impossible to measure the impact of Blip.
A wonderful magical place is this

Please excuse / indulge the folly of the hundredth Blip /never thought to make fifty let alone one hundred / quasi Oscars monologue

All subs are a constant source of inspiration as is the wider Blip community
Just wanted to mention a few for now

Drawing with Film - enchanting window box shots
paintings - and for telling me about Blip !

Semper Carpe Diem - who I introduced to Blip but who led the way and inspired me to finally take the plunge.
Glorious Blips - particularly mouth watering Foodie Blips and extraordinary culinary tips.
Lucky to get to sample many of these delights
For those who don't have that privilege I'd be jealous too!!
Looking forward to the back Blips from the latest excursion.

You Make Your Own Luck -
beautiful images and helpful advice.
Welcome encouragement at a couple of low points when about to throw in the towel in despair at lack of knowledge and skill.
Still cannot look at THIS without cracking up

Englishman in Bandung[/b HERE - is generally my first port of call having captured my imagination with his wonderful images and narratives.
Becoming quite a ritual to grab a coffee and (newly acquired specs) for a rollicking good read.
Who knew I'd be eagerly anticipating the next instalment from "the Grove" or wherever he chooses to wander. Ripping yarns indeed!
Somehow just knowing he's out there doing his thing, sharing his knowledge and curiosity with us makes me feel better about the world.

Pretty much how I feel about fellow Blippers in general.

Have gasped in admiration, had bellyache from laughing, paused for thought, made little forays of inquiry into subjects /places /activities that were relatively new or unknown.

Also, hung way too far out of windows, nearly got stung / run down (trying to capture a cycle shot) had cramp from crouching too long, pursued the impossible ... and run into a brick wall of limitations
Glorious failures and minor breakthroughs

Is it possible to have too much fun!!!

Whatever I thought Blip might be, its way, way more.
A brilliant concept beautifully executed.

Now if only I can apply that to future Blips

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