Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I have flowers....

although this is just one of them... Last night was just a tiny little bit dramatic..
Mr Fry,who is the ball and chain of DDLC had to pop to hospital and to cut a long story short one of DDLC's cars would have been stuck in Warwick if Mr Fry had been shipped out to another hospital and for a time it was on the cards !!! SOOO anyway,helpfully Moonie and I were on hand to go down and look after Po (her other name,as in the small one from Teletubbies) and one would baby sit and the other would drive the rescue mission to the ill man and the car,which was parked in an area of clampage after 8am in the morning....being the selfless person I am,I ate all Po's match makers... mmmmmmm minty .. and lots of her crisps (chips to my American friends) also moonie was pretty demanding on the cup of tea front I can tell you !!!
Mr Fry is sort of fine,he may have to endure a general anaesthetic on Monday... can I just add its nothing to do with his nether regions......or his bum/bottom/rear end.So owing to the time we went to bed which was after 12 which to be fair is REALLY late for us three,I did well getting up and managing to go shopping and eat carrot cake....
Thanks for the flowers Po/coco pop/pixie/DDLC/little baked turd...... xxxxx

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