
By Shonie

'And Its Hard to Dance with a Devil on Your Back'

'Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaaah!
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh woah'

Absolutely Florence and the Machine at the minute! Especially this song, I mean what an awesome line - 'its hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake him off'. Just love it, and have been lucky enough for it to be on the radio a good bit, and when I'm cooking. Bonus.
Anyways, I have had a couple of days off work, both of which I have been phoned and asked to go in and cover shifts. I did have to say no, working full time and being at uni part time is hard enough fitting in study and a general day to myself so adding on an extra shift when I already have 34 hours this thanking you muchly.
This is why our kitchen cupboards are a mixture of things we like, post it notes with shifts, cards and numbers, old cinema tickets... I love this. Its like a proper snap into my life. The kitchen cupboard will always sum it up for you. In particular a postcard I only just bought today saying 'Happiness is regular sex and potatoes' ...well sums it up pretty well; naughtiness and comfort food are definite winners, not necessarily together of course. Mashed potatoes should be reserved for roast dinners. Another is the cinema ticket from last week; went to see 'We Need to Talk About Kevin', Ive read the book and loved it and for me the film didn't quite match up but was a pretty good adaptation...

So, today instead of an extra shift I met my lovely friend Amie for hot chocolate, chat and paninis...we always manage to make the hours tick away nicely and although I see her at work its so nice for us to catch up outside of work. We then went and had a mooch around the shops, a Paperchase has opened in our bigger shopping centre and I was in absolute stationary heaven! I spent far too much on my wee visa card and it really shouldn't be getting abused at all but all the lovely things were too hard to resist. I bought myself an owl Thermos and case for ancient blue-tacked together blackberry and also finished off a friends Xmas prezzie.

Well, thats it really.... I managed to tick off some 'to do' ticks and have a lovely coffee with a friend which was actually much needed.
Back to uni and work tomorrow. The joys...better all be worth it in the end.

S x

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