
By Shonie

Standing in the cold with a Happy Heart


Another backblip, might aswell put what my silly phone has managed to save and keep in its process of being a big pain in my bum!

This was Bonfire Night, I cannot even tell you how happy it makes me! This is something I have always done; it reminds me of home and my family and of good things.
So me and Logs wrapped up warm and cosy, it was freeeezing, and headed up to meet his sister Neile, her husband George and 2 of his nieces - Nicci and Gemma. We all headed to Baxter park to watch the fireworks - Dundee city council do an absolutely fantastic display in two parks. One is Baxter park the other Lochee park, we actually live in Lochee but I have always been to the Baxter park ones and his sister lives next to Baxters. So we naturally went there. Its the same display and it really is breathtaking.
It is also MOBBED! But, as we were standing eating our hot dogs watching the people I really was just overcome with happiness but felt quite emotional ... something about bonfire night really does remind me of home and although thats a good thing it makes you think of home... things you miss and family.
After the display we headed back to Neile's and watched X Factor and had some beer.
Perfect in so many ways :)


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