Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

The Shetland Bus

This is a memorial to the Norwegians who lost their lives during the war, helping to liberate their country with operations using the Shetland Bus. I had seen it on a postcard and was looking for something full sized, so was a bit surprised to find this. One of my photos also made it look life-sized, but I liked the Scalloway houses in the background on this shot ... and didn't want you to be misled either!

We said fond farewells to Ann and Wilf and Whalsay - and hope we will be back soon. The weather was more as we had expected it, grey and very windy, but most exhilarating and I loved standing on the deck of the Whalsay ferry getting buffetted about in the wind!

We were impressed with the museum in Lerwick and spent a while walking about the town before getting the ferry back to Aberdeen. It was quite a rough crossing as the boat ploughed into the waves and wind, and our cabin window was regularly battered with spray.

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