The long journey

By thelongjourney

Where did time go?

I have done absolutely nothing today. Slept in, whiAch was great, but woke up still feeling a bit under the I decided to spend a quiet and relaxing day in and enjoy the house (first time in a while I had it for myself).

Between a couple of episodes of sex and the city over breakfast, a bit of tidying up, sorting pictures from Paris and some football on tv (Euro 2008 has started finally!!) the day just flew by...but it was great.

The past few weekends I have been all over and, although I had great fun, sometimes I felt like a bit of a gipsy. I had a bag packed for about 3 weeks!!!! Finally, a bit of home comforts :).


"I've got this feeling that there's something that I missed
A clock is ticking, but it's hidden far away
Safe and sound"

Somewhere a clock is ticking - Snow Patrol

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