A new craze for me to learn about.
The kids have been on the fringes of the beyblades phenomenon for long enough that I hoped it might have passed them by... but today I accepted the inevitable. So now I know a little of what is cool, and what is most definitely not, and what is needed to - you know - play it. I still have no clue at all about how to play it, but I know all a purchasing manager needs to know, it appears.
In other news, much work at the MBH, despite a wonderfully late start that saw no-one leave their bed until 10am. Bad light called a halt to proceedings, though I think it was never really light enough all day. Gloomy, but little of the forecast house-destroying rain yet. And the house is still standing (phew). The car still plays its fun tricks on us; today locking us in the car when we were back at the house. Happily just before I followed Katherine's advice and climbed out of the window, Daisy Duke style, but without the style (or shorts) I figured out another way.
Tonight, bizarrely, I decided solo karaoke was the best way of warding off a pending chest infection. I've been told singing is a great form of exercising my lungs and I sure did that tonight. I hope the kids had pillows over their ears.
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