A Fahrenheit Life

By Pingirl


Posted a shot of Hipericum early in September, however, whilst walking down to my local Every little helps this afternoon, I couldn't resist taking another shot of one that's flowering. Also managed to harvest a fair old crop of Dandelion leaves for the 'pigs during the walk, so they are well stuffed and very happy.

Lovely, lovely day today - which is even more enjoyable as I'm off on AL tomorrow and Tuesday - only slightly marred by the fact that I bumped into a regular Church attender I've known since the beautiful born boys were babies and were faithfully marched by me down to weekly Sunday School. 'Your presence is missed, you know..'', she informed me wistfully, alluding to the truth that I haven't been to Church for, let's see now, at least fifteen years. My justification for non-attendance is well-reasoned and not for further discussion here, but I'm really struggling with what exactly it was about her attitude that is still bothering me...

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