
By Laurinha

Here endeth the adventure

After leaving our jobs in March to travel through Asia for three months, we have now arrived back in The Kingdom of Fife (or Life as it is otherwise known).

It's been fantastic, Luckyjim and I have had a wonderful time and will spend the next week or so back-logging blips from the 3000+ photies of the trip together with the odd antecdote to bore you...

I'm off to France a week on Monday to work on an organic farm in Brittany picking veg, selling it at the local market and trying to brush up my French before I re-train as a teacher - this whole not having a job melarky is quite infectious. Hoping to get back to blipville now that a large portion of my life is no longer spent driving up and down the M6.

P.S. This is my Dad. Has been lovely to come home and catch up with the padres.

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