
By Laurinha

The French Adventure Begins

Off to spend the summer as a wwoofer (willing worker on organic farm) in Brittany to try to get my French back up to speed before I re-train to become a French and Spanish teacher. My idea was to blip everyday and to add 5 new words in french to my blip. Unfortunately I left my camera wire behind although it was posted, it never arrived. Without the wire and somewhere between ice-cream making, weeding and bread baking, I stopped blipping every day.

Here's a wee selection from the trip...

This is my school chum and companion for the first 10 days of the trip, Lindsey. We needed a wine as only a few hours previous, we had cycled thorugh central London....and survived.

The plan was to cycle along the Breton coast to Pointe d'Arcouest where we took the ferry to Ile de Brehat and the first wwoofing destination.

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