Just Netty

By netty

I look pretty, but don't eat me!

It has been a beautiful day today, not a cloud in the sky.

And I have been very a domesticated goddess today, made pumpkin soup, roasted the pumpkin seeds to make a tasty snack, trimmed the garden (was going to say bush, but thought you might get the wrong idea!) so all in all quite a productive day! Just having a sit down after a walk before I go and teach tippy tappy!

On the walk there was loads of beautiful red berries out, such a lovely red! I love the colours at this time of year. The thing I don't like is how early it gets dark though.

This week in school we had some teachers come over from Kenya to visit us, which I really enjoyed. They were so lovely and for some of our children was the first time they had seen a black person. They said how lucky we are to have so many resources, their schools quite a poor one. They have invited any of us teachers over to their school, I would love to go.

Ofsted Is looming at school, we know they are in the area, so that will be the next event I think. We are practicing now for our Christmas play, that's my department. We are doing Cinderella, so that should be nice, but roll on 6 weeks time, then off to las Vegas for Christmas, like you do!

Well there is a little catch up for you about what's been going on with me at the moment! I will try and check in again soon. Just need to go and get my spandex on ready for shuffle ball change, tap spring! Jazz hands x

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