All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Granny came along to Ethan's gymnastics class with us this morning for the first time. I don't know if he was trying to impress her, but he joined in with the initial warm up section more than he ever has before!

I'd had another sleepless night though and also did the early shift with Ethan this morning, so went back to bed at lunchtime. After a dismal attempt at lunch with Ethan, (he has hardly eaten a thing for 24 hours now), Granny took him for a walk to get him to nap. He then slept in his pushchair for 2 hours or so.

Grandpa arrived back just before dinner. I'd made a cheese risotto for the first time which was slightly more of a hit with Ethan as he did eat some of it. Funnily enough, he refound his appetite completely for desert which was hot chocolate fudge cake!

We then took him over to Bathgate to attend his first ever fireworks display. At least, hubbie, Grandpa and I did and Mr Foreveryoung joined us too. Granny stayed at my house to watch Strictly Come Dancing! Ethan really enjoyed it although it did get rather loud towards the end and he stuck his fingers in his ears. I even heard him say "Wow" at one point!

It was a late bedtime for him by the time we got home though. 9.30pm. I think it was worth it though for him to experience the fireworks.

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