The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Straw Dog

Luka was getting fed up at the yard today, especially when I locked him in Risky's stable so I could ride in peace. Yes, ride! The horse seemed absolutely fine, we had a short walk around the stubble field and then an equally short trot in the sand school too... No lameness to be seen or felt :D

Bonfire night was a laugh yesterday, met a uni friend with the intention of heading down to Aberdeen beach for the fireworks display... Our impeccable timing meant that we witnessed the grand finale just as we got off the bus. Met up with another friend and her boyf, chilled out in VodkaRev for a bit then headed back to their flat... Ended up watching a load of Simon's Cat sketches (as you do!) This was my favourite :)

On another note, just finished watching Chocolat... Definitely one of my favourite movies.

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