This Is It

This is the source of my sore head from yesterday.

This morning I removed it from the cold water tank in the loft.

It is seemingly called a high pressure float valve (not a ball cock thingy)
The big orange DIY shop didn't have one the right size.
The ScrewFit place didn't have one the right size.
The Plumbing specialist place had one that was apparently the right size.

Of course all the measurements are now in metric and this one was imperial (we are still an imperial measurement country apparently - bu tell that to the tool/plumbing/electrical industries) ...... and the thread didn't match.

However - after dismantling the connections between the mains input and the tank I found the input pipe had the same thread.
Then it was praying time .....that the compression washer (see how I am picking up the lingo?) wasn't damaged and that everything would tighten up without the mains water spraying all over the attic.

Prayers were answered and everything seems to be holding and the water is going into the tank correctly - without overflowing.

So that was the nice morning wasted.

The nice afternoon saw SWMBO and I taking the Cygnet out for a really long walk (for him).
We didn't even take his transport.
He really enjoyed himself pointing out every car ..... parked or moving .... and occationally trying to run.
He didn't even cry when he fell and smacked his face on the pavement (it made a noise but caused no damage), but he didn't like having dirty hands when he fell in the mans garden soil.

This evening it is our interclub competition with the club who have caused all kinds of raised blood pressure with their late submission of wrongly sized images.
I hope we can take the higher moral ground and win ....... but I doubt it as they won the league last year and I am not overly impressed with our selection (I really need to get some more experienced photographers involved in the selection process).

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