A Tangled Web

I think the spiders round this neck of the woods need to attend web building 101 :)

After the glorious weekend Monday dawned bright and fair,, until I got to the river where a deep, heavy haar was making its mark. It did not lift all day making for a very grey scene.

Some time after nine my colleague Alan arrived and announced to me that the beast of satan had a soft offside front tyre. After having established that this is the driver's side, I investigated and a trip to Tescos to inflate ensued. True to form this was not end of it with the beast as it was in fact punctured. So a trip to the very nice man at the garage was needed. Monday's eh?

Apart from that the highlight of the day was the monthly team meeting where weighty matters were again raised and resolved :) I am sure you will all sleep well in your beds tonight with this knowledge to hand.

Young Jake has just returned from footie and declared it a good session apart from the fact that it took till 5:30 for the pitch lights to come on. That and the fog must have made it quite a challenge to find the goals :)

Masterchef the professionals to look forward to tonight - Rock and Roll Monday again!

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